This is a letter from my best friend who shares a bond of unconditional love for me. We are best friends forever.
Dear Kristina,
How You Became My Best Friend Forever
We first met seven years on the catheter users group. Back then, I never would have predicted how far our friendshp would go. Our friendship turned into an intricate unconditionally loving zone. Yet it always remained happy and emotionally expressive as well. We are now best friends forever. Our friendship reaches beyond earthly bounds. Even Jeff looked forward to our video chats and approved of you. He never approved of any of my other friends. Jeff always wanted me all to himself. However even he saw how much you supported me. He also saw how much I supported you. This made him unable to dislike you no matter how much he tried. At first he tried really hard too. Then he started running in with the phone when it went off, if he saw it was you. Just to make sure that I didn’t lose the call.

“That best friend girl from Canada is calling”. He would tell me. I knew he knew your name, but he was just being Jeff.
Teddy Bears Galore
I love how we got into the routine of exchanging gift boxes every birthday and for the holidays. It was like we each sent a piece of ourselves to each other. My favorite part was sending bears. They would go back and forth and interact. We are famous for the best teddy bear picnics. Going through my food bag, the bears get to choose what they want to share to eat. Although some bears, like Softia and Dyllan had a hard concept of the idea of sharing. The real trick was remembering the names of all the bears I’d sent you! Even our bears are best friends forever!

Even through all our fun and playing with the bears there were so many aspects to our friendship. We could still have serious conversations. You were always open and honest with me about your struggles. In turn, I was always open and honest with you about mine, both emotional and physical.
Best Friends Forever Through Thick and Thin
We went through so much together. Both of us had multiple episodes of infections and sepsis from our suprapubic tubes. You had a urostomy surgery that turned your life around. You also went on an intense search for your diagnosis on your part and results that blew you away. I received a terminal diagnosis, that so far I have outlived by a month. I also had a gallbladder surgery that caused a cardiac arrest.
How My Mom Saved Our Lives
My mom came to my rescue and reversed my DNR since I was in the recovery room and still intubated. By the grace of God, I survived with no chest compressions. Your constant check-ins let me know that I knew somebody out there really cared about me. I introduced you to the world of blogging and inspired you to start your own blog. Then we worked on it together to get it into tip-top shape. I think it may have been a little harder than you anticipated it to be.

Can’t Live Without You
Kristina, you are a constant in my life. My best friend forever. You are someone I know that I can always rely on when things start going south. Plus you are so smart and intuitive. Oftentimes, you have great ideas to get me through a particularly sticky situation. I don’t know what I would do without you. You have gone through the worst moments of my life with me and pulled me through to the other side.

Love you millions!
Best Friends Forever,