I often sit feeling alone and remit
Sometimes where the candles lit
I look around to wait and see
Silently praying someone will turn the key
In the corner quiet and still
I sit near the windowsill
As I listen to the sound of the rain which pitters
And the cat scratching around in his litter
Why am I feeling so alone and sad?
Did I do something wrong to make God mad?
As I stare at the windowpane
I see someone down at the end of the lane
Feeling alone is not as bad when company is here coming up the path
As I sit there waiting on the floor
I see them heading forward toward my front door
Walking over to greet me there
Shocked and surprised to see a friend who cares
A hug and a kiss brings me glee
Which helps all my sadness to run and flee

This is a poem I wrote based on how often I felt alone growing up and how I had no real friends or connections to keep me going. I really struggled with friendships. The only real relationships I had as a child and adolescent were with adults. I really only ever had one friend growing up and that was Chun Wing. I also had a friend Barb that I was friends with but only until I was seven. Then her family moved away when she was seven years old, but she found me through Facebook when I was 33 and we became friends again.