
Kristina with Chen Wen, their friendship remained strong throughout all of kindegarten through senior year in high school

Friendship is something shared among many

You could have only one

Or a handful of plenty

Having a friendship is having someone who will always be there

Showing their love and how willing they care

When I feel just as though I am down and a pout

I always have a friend to come help me out

A person with whom I laugh and I cry

Is the one I will choose to sit right by my side

I come always to this person when I’ve been selfish or in need

and to think our friendship started with the planting of a seed

Every time I look into your eyes it seems one step closer

to saying our goodbyes

Kristina and Amanda their friendship has lasted over twenty years

Where Does This Friendship Poem Come From?

This poem discusses what I look for in a friendship or a relationship. I originally wrote this poem in twelfth grade about “Of Mice and Men” for a high school assignment. My teacher prompted me to submit it into my local town’s literacy contest. To my surprise, this “Friendship” poem won third place in the contest. I feel very strongly about this poem, because friendship is very important to me. My various friendships are how I have survived all the trauma I have been through in my journey toward becoming a mighty warrior.

When I am with my close friends, I feel like I can let down my guard and just be myself without having to worry about what I am saying. Friendship is nice like that. My friends are always there for me, willing to listen to me complain when I need to and help me brainstorm solutions if that is what I need to do in the situation as well.

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