We journey through this short life
Searching for its meaning
And trying to create the best life possible
We try to figure out who we are
Where we come from
What we’re made of
The events in life affect our core being
But that isn’t always clear
Sometimes we search a lifetime to solve the mystery
Of why we are the way we are
And how to create the best life possible
Remember we know ourselves better than anyone else
We can reach vindication
To free us from chains and bondage that enslave us
Other people might define us in ways we never imagined
Their view partially makes up who we are as individuals
However, we are not defined by the world’s eye view
But by our own view of ourselves
When we study ourselves through God’s perspective
We live the best life we can live
Despite our challenges of hardship
Positive looks at ourselves grow and mature our natureI
They strengthen and encourage us to fight the good fight
Even on days when we struggle to keep going
Step by step, day by day
We move forward
Remembering to take care of ourselves along the way
Remember to love each piece about ourselves
Flaws and all
We’ll get there and rise from the ashes in beauty