Friendship is something shared among many
You could have only one
Or a handful of plenty
Having a friendship is having someone who will always be there
Showing their love and how willing they care
When I feel just as though I am down and a pout
I always have a friend to come help me out
A person with whom I laugh and I cry
Is the one I will choose to sit right by my side
I come always to this person when I’ve been selfish or in need
and to think our friendship started with the planting of a seed
Every time I look into your eyes it seems one step closer
to saying our goodbyes
Where Does This Friendship Poem Come From?
This poem discusses what I look for in a friendship or a relationship. I originally wrote this poem in twelfth grade about “Of Mice and Men” for a high school assignment. My teacher prompted me to submit it into my local town’s literacy contest. To my surprise, this “Friendship” poem won third place in the contest. I feel very strongly about this poem, because friendship is very important to me. My various friendships are how I have survived all the trauma I have been through in my journey toward becoming a mighty warrior.
When I am with my close friends, I feel like I can let down my guard and just be myself without having to worry about what I am saying. Friendship is nice like that. My friends are always there for me, willing to listen to me complain when I need to and help me brainstorm solutions if that is what I need to do in the situation as well.