My Mighty Warrior Journey
Finding Myself One Piece at a Time
My Journey I have Trekked on So Far
The Beginning of My Mental Illness
When I was only four years old we had a house fire and my mom was badly burned on over half her body. I was terrified to look at her. I didn’t know what happened to my mom or who this strange burned woman was. This loss of the mother I once knew was the beginning on my mental illness. It triggered my PTSD and laid the groundwork for my bipolar disorder.
The First Brain Injury
At age ten I was riding my bike without a helmet and crashed it. When I fell off I hit my head and sustained the first of a series of brain injuries. My doctor told me that I had a condition where I had a developmental delay and this was the trigger. From then on, I was different from all the other kids, I didn’t fit in, and I knew it.
How My World Collapsed
When I was twenty-five I was worker as a personal support worker, with a post graduate in dementia studies, my dream job. One day, all the sudden, I had a stool collapse from underneath me and sustained a brain injury. I was never the same after that. I hit damage from the tailbone and pelvis, all the way up to my head. Then I landed on my left shoulder and was completely knocked out. unconscious. My whole world collapsed from underneath me. I had to relearn everything it takes to be an adult human being. For the first two years after my brain injury I was drugged innapropriately due to a misdiagnosis of conversion disorder and it knocked out my memory. I had only been married a year and a half when it happened. Shawn stuck by my through the whole thing even though it was really hard on my relationship.. I am still trying to get treatment and diagnosis for the brain injury now even though it was sixteen years ago and turned me into a professional patient. I may even have a spinal cord injury.
My Metamorphosis
After a deadly infection in my suprapubic catheter went unnoticed for too long, I ended up in the hospital with sepsis fighting for my life for months. I am still fighting the remnants of the disease. It completely changed my perspective on life. Before the sepsis attack I had gone through countless infections and suffered miserable pain with them. Not only that, but I gave birth to 45 Suprapubic catheters that had to be rapidly replaced or I would be in agony. I also earned myself a bionic bladder that never worked. Four months after my episode of sepsis they removed my bladder completely, did a whole lot of constructive surgery, and awarded me with “Nemo” my ostomy.
The Birth of Nemo and the Creation of a Mighty Warrior
I had a grueling eight-and-a-half-hour ostomy surgery where they removed my bladder and urethra. That was where “Nemo” my urostomy was born. Going through such an intense operation was the beginning of my recovery and a way to regain control over my life. it showed me just how much I can tolerate and what a mighty warrior I am.
Read My Journey and Start Your Own Healing Journey
Everyone goes through challenges in life, but God only gives people what they can handle. Read my journey to find out how I bounce back up every time I fall. Even though the world knocks me down repeatedly, I just keep fighting to continue on, because I know there are more positives in my life waiting to happen, and there are more positives in your life as well. Subscribe to my blog and begin your healing journey.
The Power of Love in A Mighty Warrior Journey
One way I have stayed so strong is through my never-ending support from my husband Shawn. Not only does he help me physically, but he also offers comfort, love, and emotional and spiritual support. I never would have made it without him. Every mighty warrior needs a sidekick.
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